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  4. 奥迪泼冷水:特斯拉“面临一系列长期问题”


第一电动网 李媛媛

  【第一电动网】(作者 李媛媛) 特斯拉Model S出人意料地成为一季度北美电动车销量冠军,不断飙升的股票也令许多曾质疑特斯拉的分析师对其刮目相看。而奥迪却不这么认为,在这家百年老店看来,特斯拉获得的赞誉”太多了”。

  5月17日,奥迪公司在其官网上发布了一则题为《别急着抬高特斯拉》(Not so fast to put Tesla on that particular pedestal)的新闻稿,将Model S与奥迪的销量进行对比,并称”这个品牌(特斯拉)面临着一系列长期问题。” 不过,作者发现,奥迪已于21日删掉了这篇文章。


  于是,奥迪试图用数据证明CNNMoney.com的稿件有误。奥迪官网文章写到,”特斯拉Model S 4月售出4750辆,这个数字还不足当月奥迪北美销量的一半。今年4月,奥迪在北美售出13157辆,同比上升16%,而宝马和奔驰卖得更多”。

  当然,奥迪在撰文维护德系车地位的同时,坦言”在同等价位的豪华车中,Model S的销量的确超过了其中至少一家品牌的某车型,比如4月卖出1462辆的奥迪A8”。

  事实上,由于急于反驳媒体的论断,奥迪所指数据出现了明显错误。4750辆是Model S今年一季度的销量,而非单月销量,该车4月售出2100辆。也就是说,Model S的月销量不足奥迪的六分之一,想必得知这个消息,奥迪会更加自信对特斯拉的优势。

  奥迪也毫不掩饰大品牌的优越感,正如其文中所说”特斯拉目前只有Model S一个品牌,而奥迪A8作为奥迪的旗舰车型,只针对特定消费群,与此同时,奥迪A6、A7和A8的市场需求仍在增长”。

  显然,就销量和产品类别而言,与奥迪这样的老品牌相比,特斯拉不过是起步不错的后来者,但在电动车领域,特斯拉却是当下最受关注的领跑者。从第一代电动超跑Roadster到第二代豪华轿车Model S,特斯拉品牌逐渐为消费者和业内所认可,根据第一电动网的预测,这款车的销量将在一段时间内继续增长(http://www.d1ev.com/news-19300/)。

  另一方面,虽然特斯拉一季度已经实现盈利,如不出意外,今年Model S 2.1万辆的销售目标也将如期完成(该车已经获得足够订单),但此后的订单能否保证特斯拉持续盈利,仍有诸多不确定因素,这也是奥迪所说的”长期问题”。

  回过头来看CNNMoney.com的报道,涉及的三家德国企业只有奥迪发文反驳,似乎有据可循。戴姆勒不但是特斯拉的股东,还采购了其生产的电机,自然不会提出质疑;宝马i3年内将隆重登场,能否与Model S一争高下,结果很快就会揭晓;号称”全球最快电动车”的奥迪R8 e-tron却在年初传出了无限期推迟投产的消息。

  联想到《钢铁侠3》中,驾驶奥迪R8 e-tron的电影主人公却以特斯拉CEO马斯克为原型,或许,奥迪的”醋意”早已有之?


  Not so fast to put Tesla on that particular pedestal

  Posted on May 17, 2013 2:38 PM

  Not so fast

  Investors, press and a lot of front-runners are enthusing over the progress of Tesla in selling all-electric vehicles, and doing so profitably, when other EV brands are faltering. But some reports are giving Tesla too much credit.

  A headline on CNNMoney.com this week, for instance, said "Tesla sales beating Mercedes, BMW and Audi."

  But the fact is that Tesla's reported sales of 4,750 units of its Model S electric car in April were less than half of Audi of America sales of 13,157 vehicles in the month, which represented a 16-percent rise from a year earlier. BMW and Mercedes-Benz sold even more than that.

  The story's misleading headline came from the fact that Model S did outsell at least one of each of the German luxury brands' models that are in the general price range of the Tesla vehicle. Audi A8 sold 1,462 units in the U.S. in April, for instance.

  And while Model S is Tesla's only nameplate at this point, the Audi A8 is the brand's flagship model and is aimed at consumers in the most exclusive segment of the market. The demand for premium models including the Audi A6, A7 and A8 is growing but remains just one segment for Audi.

  The CNNMoney.com story did mention that it wasn't making a "perfect comparison," noting that each of the German brands sells "a full range of cars and SUVs" and that pricing of the Tesla S and the comparison models wasn't apples-to-apples.

  To be sure, Tesla has been riding a boom in investor and consumer interest based on its apparent ability crack the code for EV sales with its $70,000-and-up Model S.

  But while Tesla founder and CEO Elon Musk has raised Model S sales estimates for 2013 to 21,000 units, the brand faces a number of long-term issues that also were noted this week by American press.

  "Tesla has to show it can be consistently profitable with a single product that is priced so high that most buyers can't afford it," as USA Today put it. "There are questions, too, about whether it can keep its order books full, or whether the number of people who crave electric cars is limited."





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